Flávia Rahal is a criminal lawyer who graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo in 1991. She holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Procedure from the University of São Paulo and is currently a doctoral student at the same faculty.

❚ Professor at the Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo;
❚ Adviser to the Law Endowment of Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo;
❚ Founding Director of Innocence Project Brasil, of which she is currently Vice-President;
❚ Advisor to the Deliberative Council of the Institute for the Defense of the Right to Defense (IDDD);
❚ Former President of the Deliberative Council of IDDD;
❚ Former President of the Board of IDDD;
❚ FIESP’s legal advisor;
❚ Member of the Special Commission for the Defense of Democracy and the Rule of Law of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Chapter;
❚ Former Coordinator of the Prerogatives Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section;
❚ Former Director and Coordinator of the Study Commission on “Internet Crimes” of the Brazilian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications Law;
❚ Former Counselor of the São Paulo Lawyers Association;
❚ Former ILANUD Board Member;
❚ Associated with the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences – IBCCRIM;

❚ English
❚ French

Rahal, Carnelós e Vargas do Amaral Advogados

+55 11 3092-7299 | +55 11 94226-4972
R. Hungria, 620 – 12º and. Jardim Europa – São Paulo/SP CEP 01455-000